Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Steve Rixon named new Australia fielding coach

Melbourne, Jun 2: Former Australia test wicketkeeper Steve Rixon was appointed as the national team''s fielding coach today.

The 57-year-old Rixon replaced American Mike Young, who is also fielding coach for the Deccan Chargers of the Indian Premier League.

Rixon, who played 13 tests and six one-dayers for Australia during the late 1970s and early 1980s, will join Australia on its upcoming tours of Sri Lanka and South Africa, acting Cricket Australia chief executive Michael Brown said.

"I am thrilled with this appointment and look forward to working with the Australian team over the next two tours," Rixon said in a statement.

"Fielding skills play such an important role in the modern game and often proves the difference between winning and losing."

Since retiring as a player in 1988, Rixon has coached New Zealand, Australian state team New South Wales and Indian Cricket League side Hyderabad Heroes, and is currently fielding coach of the IPL''s Chennai Super Kings.

"I feel my experience firstly as a player and, more importantly, a successful coach across the world can help many of these young Australian players, together with the outstanding group of assistants (coach) Tim Nielsen has at his disposal," Rixon said.

Brown said Rixon''s input to the team would be "invaluable."

"The group of coaches we now have in place has a great blend of coaching expertise and cricket experience to benefit this developing Australian side, and Steve has an important role to play as we move forward," he said.


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