Sunday, September 25, 2011

Comprehensive medical examinations in Japan

How did you feel overall about your Ningen Dock? graph of japanese statisticsgoo Research recently reported in detail on comprehensive medical examinations, or as they are known in Japanese ?????, Ningen (Human) Dock, a play on ?dry dock?.


Between the 29th of August and the 1st of September 2011 1,083 members of the goo Research monitor group completed a private internet-based questionnaire. 50.2% of the sample were male, 24.1% in their thirties, 25.5% in their forties, 25.4% in their fifties, and 25.0% aged sixty or older.

Furthermore, there was a new term to me, ?Ladies? Dock?, which as you might guess is a Ningen Dock tailored towards women. The time my wife and I went for a Ningen Dock, she had the ladies? course, but it wasn?t sold as female oriented. If I remember correctly, there was a base test for everyone, then you could buy add-on packages on top, like lady bits, allergy tests, chest CT scan, etc.

Research results

Q1: Have you gone for a Ningen Dock, and if so, who paid? (Sample size=1,083)

Q1SQ1: Why did you get a Ningen Dock? (Sample size=587, multiple answer)

Health union, company recommended it 53.8%
Was an age where the examination became necessary 42.2%
If I were to have an illness, early detection is important 39.4%
Just felt uneasy 18.4%
Had a particular worry about my body 14.7%
Family, friends recommended it 8.2%
Thought about family, others around me 7.8%
Doctor recommended it 2.6%
Close to work, home 2.0%
Service offered by life insurance 0.7%
Saw information about it on television, magazines, etc 0.5%
Other 3.7%

Q1SQ2: How did you feel overall about your Ningen Dock after taking it? (Sample size=587)

Extremely good 15.7%
Good 69.2%
Poor 4.9%
Very poor 0.7%
Don?t remember 9.5%

Q1SQ3: What were the good and poor points about your Ningen Dock? (Sample size=587, multiple answer)

? Good Poor
Reception 27.9% 2.4%
Medical staff 38.8% 3.9%
Doctor 24.0% 7.0%
Same/different sex doctor 5.3% 4.4%
Examination length, waiting time 26.1% 20.8%
Atmosphere of facilities 25.4% 2.6%
Details of examination 25.9% 8.0%
Other 0.9% 3.4%
Nothing in particular 19.9% 58.3%

For the same/different sex doctor, for good points it was a same sex doctor, bad points it was an opposite sex doctor.

Q1SQ4: Why have you not had a Ningen Dock? (Sample size=496, multiple answer)

Too expensive 66.7%
No time to take it 21.6%
Not interested, too much bother 16.7%
Don?t know how to apply, where to take it 14.3%
Scared there would be a bad result 12.9%
Nowhere near to work, home, to take it 7.5%
Cannot find a doctor, hospital I trust 7.3%
Have a regular doctor so no worries 7.1%
Have confidence in my health 6.3%
Cannot take it as already in hospital, confined to home, pregnant, etc 3.0%
Other 4.6%

Q2: When would you want to take a/another Ningen Dock examination? (Sample size=1,083)

Within the next year 25.9%
Within three years 16.4%
Sometime when I have the opportunity 41.0%
Don?t want to take one 16.7%

Q3: What would encourage you to proactively take a/another Ningen Dock examination? (Sample size=1,083, multiple answer)

Cheap price, discounts 65.3%
Health union, country would pay a portion 61.5%
Easy to make appointment 37.9%
Can take examination in a short time 37.9%
Can take examination near work, home 32.7%
Can take examination on weekends 30.3%
Can take time to have a lengthy explanation of the results with the doctor 27.6%
Can search, compare various facilities on the internet 22.0%
If my usual hospital offered it 16.7%
Has same sex doctors, medical staff 12.4%
Can collect air miles, points 9.7%
Special gifts like meal, beauty treatment vouchers 7.8%
Can cope with people with children 4.1%
If I got it as a present from friends, family 3.1%
Can exchange information on social media with people who have taken an examination 2.2%
Other 3.4%

The remaining questions were for females only.

Q4: Have you gone for a Ladies? Dock, and if so, who paid? (Sample size=539)

Company, health union, etc paid for it all (to SQ1, SQ2) 16.0%
Company, health union, etc paid for part of it (to SQ1, SQ2) 28.9%
Paid all myself (to SQ1, SQ2) 15.4%
Never had a Ladies? Dock (to SQ3) 39.7%

Q4SQ1: Why did you get a Ladies? Dock? (Sample size=325, multiple answer)

Health union, company recommended it 23.1%
Just felt uneasy 26.8%
Had a particular worry about my body 21.5%
If I were to have an illness, early detection is important 42.2%
Local government sent a coupon, details 21.2%
Close to work, home 2.8%
Was an age where the examination became necessary 43.1%
Saw information about it on television, magazines, etc 0.6%
Family, friends recommended it 4.9%
Doctor recommended it 4.9%
Thought about family, others around me 7.7%
Service offered by life insurance 0.0%
Other 2.5%

Q4SQ2: What were the good and poor points about your Ladies? Dock? (Sample size=325, multiple answer)

? Good Poor
Reception 19.4% 2.2%
Medical staff 28.9% 3.7%
Doctor 27.7% 6.2%
Same/different sex doctor 21.2% 16.9%
Examination length, waiting time 14.8% 16.9%
Atmosphere of facilities 19.1% 2.5%
Medical equipment 13.8% 2.8%
Details of examination 17.2% 3.1%
Other 0.6% 4.0%
Nothing in particular 24.3% 55.7%

For the same/different sex doctor, for good points it was a same sex doctor, bad points it was an opposite sex doctor.

Q4SQ3: Why have you not had a Ladies? Dock? (Sample size=214, multiple answer)

Too expensive 51.4%
No time to take it 18.2%
Embarrassing 17.3%
Not interested, too much bother 16.4%
Scared there would be a bad result 15.4%
Nowhere near to work, home, to take it 11.6%
Cannot take it as already in hospital, confined to home, pregnant, etc 4.7%
Have confidence in my health 3.7%
Have a regular doctor so no worries 2.3%
Other 6.1%

Q5: When would you want to take a/another Ladies? Dock examination? (Sample size=539)

Within the next year 32.3%
Within three years 13.5%
Sometime when I have the opportunity 37.8%
Don?t want to take one 16.3%
Read more on: goo research,health,ningen dock


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