Statue of a mother and her son
At yesterday?s chapter meeting we did a This I Believe writing workshop. Each mother spent some time in introspection as she tried to condense her experiences into beliefs. At the end of the workshop we all shared something of what we had written. It was the kind of dialogue that brings down barriers by opening the lines of communication not because everyone agrees on the same beliefs but because they have listened to beliefs different from their own.
Susan C
I have received permission to share with you the essay written by one of our members, Susan C. She is the mother of six.
As a little girl, my answer to the time honored question of ?what do you want to be when you grow up?? was always the same; ?I want to be a mom,? was the familiar answer.
My vision of being a mother was limited however. I always pictured myself with a house full of all my children and there they stayed. The vision never included adding a new child and it certainly didn?t include a child leaving home all grown up.
After 27 years of motherhood I have come to believe in the ever changing dynamics of motherhood. I believe mother means change and that change is good.
The first cycle of change occurred as I went from being a mother of one baby boy to a mother of a new baby daughter and a toddler son. Each additional child brought change, joy, and challenge. This cycle ended 17 years ago with the birth of our sixth child.
The second cycle was as terrifying and exciting as the first. One by one they began to leave. My house has become so quiet.
The third cycle began before the second cycle ended. I went back to an addition mode only this time I took on the dreaded ?in-law? suffix to my mother title. Its not so bad adding grown-ups to an already established family.
Little did I know as a child that there was something even better than being a mother. It requires the prefix ?grand? and grand it is.
Now that I believe mother is about change, I still don?t know all the changes ahead but I look forward to each cycle of being a mom.
Photo Credit: ?Mother-Son
President of the San Antonio Chapter of American Mothers, Inc. Devoted wife, Mother of six kids and three cats. Follow American Mothers SA on Facebook.Source:
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